Why is Your Story Important to Your Vision

“I’ve always had that gratitude that I had the opportunity to pursue my potential. So I think my story says that, when women are given the chance and the opportunity, that we can achieve a lot. We deliver. We can make the world a better place, one butt at a time.” – Sara Blakely.

“Because God gave you your makeup and superintended every moment of your past, including all the hardship, pain, and struggles, He wants to use your words in a unique manner. No one else can speak through your vocal cords, and, equally important, no one else has your story.” – Charles R. Swindoll.

“Ask anyone who’s successful how they got there, you’re going to hear a different story.” – Carol Burnett.

“From my experience when I tell a real story it connects me further to my real purpose.” – Di Downie.

  1. Self Acceptance
  2. Connection
  3. Purpose

Are the three main reasons why I am passionate about you investigating, developing and telling your own stories.
Being able to tell your meaningful personal stories is just part of defining your ideas, developing those ideas to your vision and being able to direct yourself through those ideas to build a future that you love.

The tall poppy syndrome operates all over the world, I wrote a blog about it here. When I was on a recent speaking tour I had a man attempt to intimidate me with questions as to why I do what I do, how I give instructions. He asked many questions seemingly being interested. At the time I thought I was holding my space and my emotional self well. It was not until after that I felt that I had been stripped down, I began to ask myself why I do what I do, I felt less than him, I felt that I could not add value to anyone anymore. This is what Tall Poppy can feel like.

Our experiences: The good, the bad and the ugly make up our stories that are important to be able to tell when we are developing ourselves, when we are defining our ideas and when we want to be able to direct ourselves for further clarity, emotional preence and independence.

Of course there are great story tellers out there, who tell stories from repetition and by route rather from recently visited feeling and thought.

If you have a job, operate a business, want more innovation in your life research from within as to what stories are meaningful to you and tell a real story of who you are and why you do what you do.

I would go as far as saying, from my experience when I tell a real story from passion it connects me further to my real purpose.

Being able to tell our own stories with passion uncovers creativity which leads to innovation in your job, your business, when you are rearing your children or grand children.

Being able to tell our own stories with passion whilst being vulnerable gives us insight as to what is shame, how we accept shame, how we accept ourselves.

What are some of the memories and experiences that you have that will connect your target market to your product and service.

Why Your Story Is Important to your vision?

Even if you never use some of your personal stories, when you investigate your history you begin to gain clarity and self-acceptance as to who you are and why, giving you presence in your everyday living.

What stories demonstrate that you are a real person with a real life with real problems that you are solving.

Show people what you love, be a role model with your stories.

Write out 3 stories that are important to you and ask yourself why they are important.

How are you going to share your story?
through blogging, through your craftsmanship, your product and or service, your videos, your job, your business through your culture this list goes on.

We all have ideas, every day, all day, thousands of ideas. It is ideas that I have shaped into actions that have created stories for me to tell, that in turn have given me clarity on my purpose.

Define your ideas
Develop your ideas with purpose
So you can direct your life, your family and be the role model that you know you can be.

Stories are just a small part of being a role model, being a person who implements her own ideas for the future that she loves. If you want to know more and really get clarity rather than being confused apply for my mentoring program here.

Sending you love and big hugs.




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Why is Your Story Important to Your Vision - Di Downie