How Motherhood Affects Business

“Every Mother Shapes the Life of Another Human Being” – Di Downie

“Carve out time to Grow as a Mother” – Di Downie

“Motherhood Affects the way we do Business” – Di Downie

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“Every Mother Shapes the Life of Another Human Being” – Di Downie

“Carve out time to Grow as a Mother” – Di Downie

“Motherhood Affects the way we do Business” – Di Downie

Kimberly Stephens Bassett and I speak about survival, thriving, tool box, vulnerability, fun, awkwardness, silence, shame and what we have learnt from how Motherhood Affects Business.

We know there are no road maps for Motherhood or Business. As much as many of us would like to think we can control and map out our paths in Motherhood and Business.  Life takes over at times, our needs change, our values change we as human beings change, the environment we live changes.

One this is for sure, change will happen and we get out of control sometimes kicking and screaming at children, team members at work or and ourselves.

I have had thousands of conversations with women about Mothering and Business, it was no surprise that Kim and I agreed on soooo many aspects of how Motherhood Affects Business in the recording below.  A conversation Every Woman would benefit from watching and really listening to.

Here are some touch points from the conversation that you potentially will resonate with.

That willingness to go somewhere, where we have never been before was a foundation of the conversation.

To become aware of our awareness and unawareness also our language that we use when we have taken the time to look into ourself.

We can become Paralyzed with our own and others expectations, opinions, beliefs. Having difficulty reconciling our own desires, believes and doing what is right for us.

It was important to both of us to be good role models for our children, to share tools that work for us without an expectations that they will work for our children or even if they are interested in experimenting with themselves to use these tools.

We both have been in overwhelm more times that we liked to admit. Now the stage of life we are both in we have more available time to solidify our tools that work for us and for the stage of life we are in. As I said earlier our needs change our values change as we move through the stages of life, which has nothing to do with age.

One tool Kim suggests is:

  • Use your phone.
  • Set an alarm a few times during the day on your phone to give awareness to daily survival trance.
  • Ask yourself “what is my self talk right now”
  • You might want to try this to wake you up from our daily trance.

Mother/child relationships are complex for all the reason above, plus the generational believes, patterns, experiences that have got us to adult living.

There is no doubt that when we are aware of where we have come from and why we react the way do, has a great bearing on how we run our business, how we treat others, how we can listen, how we access our higher selves.

  • One great part of this conversation is the part about FUN!!!!!
  • It’s about 18 minutes into the video.
  • I had forgotten how to have fun.
  • Life can get serious.
  • Life gets caught up in responsibilities.
  • Logistics can take over.
  • Managing team members can take over our thinking and whole being.

You can read more touch points about connecting your dots.  Fun being one them.  Here are 3 more Touch Points To Connect Your Dots 

Ask yourself
How can you have more fun in your life?
Sound Healing
Laugh at myself
Laugh at situations
Laughing at how we meet our challenges
Unravelling our past can be painful yet is the best way to have a belly laugh at ourselves…. once unravelled.

Fun can change our perceptions of being a mother, a human being and the decisions we make in our business.

I often speak about creating your own toolbox to thrive.  Kim and I touched on some of these : 

What is in your toolbox to have fun, to design your life as a Mum and business owner

Sitting on the grass
Food we eat
Drinks that we drink
Building immunity
Essential Oils
Animals in your life
Going into Nature…. For example camping
Taking time away for YOU
Good meaningful Conversations
Growing your own food
Having a beautiful living environment… clean, bright, colourful, clean, organized, minimalistic, did I say clean?
Hobby… have a hobby that will absorb your being fully
Life Long Learner

Gee the list could go on and on and on!!!!

We both agreed we expected too much of ourselves.

We both agreed to learn how to laugh at myself.

We both agreed to let go of self -doubts and thoughts that are not ours or might be old.

We both agreed that to be self-empowered ourselves to empower our children with our history was a ever growing gift for everyone’s growth.

Treat people how you want to be treated was a big point that Kim brought up in the conversation and isn’t it important to you also?

The video is worth a watch for YOU!

Unravel the past.

Consciously reconcile your desires with your beliefs to what you have to do.

Stop going along to get along.

Awareness again is the number one step to creating a balance of Motherhood and Business.

Love to hear your comments below.

Sending you a global hug,


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How Motherhood Affects Business - Di Downie