3 Touch Points To Connect Your Dots

Our behavioral patterns can stop us and start us – Di Downie

Take time for creativity.  It’s a form of self-love and support – Di Downie

It takes courage to look back to move forward – Di Downie

There has been a common pattern in my life this past three months that has reconnected my dots for me.

The reconnection needed to happen not only from the Pandemic that has affected us all in our own ways, for me, my life took a sharp turn left into grandmother hood.

Grandmother hood for me took me along a pathway to a new relationship with myself and my daughters, grandsons, husband, family, friends and mentees.

It has taken much courage and inner work for me to get back into the outside world, to uncover who I am and how I want to shape my new life. This is what I speak about in the video in this blog post.

In this video I sit in vulnerability, being honest with myself emotionally giving myself insight and confidence to take the next step.

What really inspired me to do this “Di Live” series, I’ve heard from so many women in this last year, 18 months, and especially in this last six months how difficult it is to have a purpose, to do their passions, to be focused on what is important to them, to have their needs met and take advantage of their skills – hard and soft. To monetize their skills.

I feel like I’m coming to you as a new person compared to how I was years ago, a lot of things have changed. Many of us have spent a lot of time in our inner worlds, rather than being out there and doing, rather than being human beings. The world has changed and many of us have evolved to more empathic beings with an awareness of striving to thrive rather than to go along to get along.

This journey to grandmother hood took me to a place where I had no choice but to watch my doubts and fears, evaluate my past and omit what I didn’t want, to move forward for a healthy and empathetic lifestyle. One where I could do and be everything I dream of.

I have the choice to keep the skills I have and keep applying them to myself  OR to share the skills I have and applying them to myself.

I have chosen to share and keep applying.

As I said at the opening of this blog:  There has been a common pattern in my life this past three months that has reconnected by dots for me.  You read a blog from a few years ago about connection.

If you decide to share your skills and keep applying them to yourself but you are struggling with clarity, skills to share to the world, how to make that commitment to share, how to overcome the fear and those doubts we all have, watch the video in this blog as I have doubt you will resonate with my experience.

If you do resonate with it, email me or message me and ask for a free gift.  I will personally send you something that is applicable to YOU.  Yes, follow the steps I outline below once you have listened to the video.


Some of the doubts and fears I had were:

  • Do I have the skills to share what I know?
  • Am I skilled enough to share what I know?
  • Am I good enough to share what I know?
  • Am I strong enough to be able to share what I know?
  • Do I have the ability to manage my energy?
  • Am I able to make my day the way that I want it to be if I add more commitments?


I found I questioned my values.

  • At times I didn’t know what I needed, I was numb!
  • At times I was exhausted from my inner emotions, I hadn’t done anything in my day.
  • I questioned my own value to everyone, including my kids and family.

I had lost my way.  You can watch my viral video here.

Many women around the world email me regularly and message me regularly asking for direction on business, personal development, family relationships, communication, love and support, food and movement, and how can we bring all this together so that we have a rich life?

Thank you for asking,
Thank you for emailing,
Thank you for messaging.
You know who you are!

Here is the pattern that has worked for me and I have taught for many years, to connect YOUR Dots.


3 Touch Points To Connect Your Dots

  1. Stop Evaluate
  2. Do Evaluate
  3. Manage Evaluate


Stop Evaluate
what are the things in your life that you do not want?
Who do you not want in your life?
Be appreciative of what is working now.
Who do you want to have in your life?
What are the actions that you want to take that are important to you?
What is the one word that you could take out of your vocabulary that will give your power back?

Do Evaluate
Do something new or something that you have not done for a long time or something that you remember that you loved to do.

Take some time after you have done it to listen to your thoughts, feel your feelings, listen to people around you to evaluate is this something I want more of in my life.

Manage Evaluate
Make a plan to manage your commitments, your logistics, this new something for one week.
Manage your energy.
Evaluate your thoughts, feelings.
Evaluate from your values and what YOU need rather than what others need from you.

As much as I work a lot with females, males are attracted to my work and energy. I now come with a new vibration a deeper level of intuition. This pattern of connecting to ourselves that I briefly describe above and in the video could potentially change your life for a richer self fulling life.

Remember we all have the same feelings we are all the same the world over.

We all have these self-doubts.

We all question ourselves as to what do we need?

And yet, we often don’t take the time to stop, look at where we have come from, appreciate our history and move forward from what is important to us with clarity of what we need.

Give yourself 3 months to take these 3 steps over and over again. It will be a gift to yourself!

Tell me what you’re taking away from blog?

It really is time we all connected from our hearts and ask for what we need, to bring further peace to ourselves that will be reflected on our planet.

I hope you have been inspired to take the 3 steps.

Watch the video.

Download for extra inspiration:  Love and Support book


Sending you a global hug,


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3 Touch Points To Connect Your Dots - Di Downie