How To Take Advantage Of Your History

“Don’t make your History a Mystery” – Joel Bauer

“Take advantage of where you have come from” – Di Downie
“We can’t change our history, We can take advantage of it” – Di Downie

It’s easy to keep our history a mystery!

Having a great respect for personal development, I know first hand the pain that our past can bring to us and also the joy and freedom it can bring.

In our history, while we were growing up, while we were at high school, then when we were having our babies, when our babies have babies, we learn some invaluable invisible skills along with visible, tangible skills that we often take for granted.

As women, we often forget or even feel that what we have learnt is not valuable to pass on to our children, our staff, our friends. We often blurt out stuff that is mis placed due to not understanding where we have come from and how that affects us every single day.

It seems that the older we become the more important it is to have the understanding of what we value, what we need and what we tolerate and where those values and needs and tolerations come from. But…. I’m not addressing this in this blog today. I address it and work along side these concepts and self-truths in my workshops.

In this blog I’m addressing the tangible and intangible skills that we gather. Often men and women with great life experiences feel that these skills are not important to share due to often a level of shame of how these skills have been gathered. Also the world we live in often does not encourage experienced people to share their learnings, the world wants clear precise step by step “new” answers without the emotion.

In the video in this blog I take you to the little gravel road, that leads to the house where my husband and I brought our children up.

In this world now where we compare ourselves all too often without even knowing it, it is easy to keep our history a mystery, I recommend you don’t, even if it is for your own happiness. Yes that is a selfish reason. It is a worthwhile reason!

Keeping our history a mystery is easy if it seems too common, not very exciting, in my case, I thought my history was too country compared to my city friends and my global friends.

Take advantage of where you have come from, what you have done, who you used to hang out with, why you took one direction rather than another.

Join me on my gravel road, in this blog and remember your history and be thankful for whatever it maybe, as it makes you who you are today, no matter if you like your history or not.

Don’t loose your way on this journey.


7 Tips to make your History NOT a Mystery:

  • Work with and understand what is of value to you.
  • Be super clear on what you emotionally need.
  • Understand why your tolerations are tolerations.
  • Find like-minded, non-judgemental people who you build trust with to speak your truth.
  • Journal your feelings at least twice a week.
  • Strive to thrive everyday with good alkaline eating.
  • Choose varying types of meditations to exercise your spiritual self


Some ways to share the skills that I know you have:

  • Use the words “I feel” with your children.
  • Become a storyteller to convey your message.
  • Identify what you love and ask yourself if you want to teach this to others.
  • If you already have a business doing what you love, use online tools to build your audience.
  • Write out your history for your clear visions for direction.
  • Create one product, or promote one product that you love.
  • Have one strong hobby that you engage in at least once a week.

Trust that this blog post helps you if you are one of the people who wants direction to upskill from our history.

With love and support

Global Hug


Sending you a global Hug
Di Downie

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How To Take Advantage Of Your History - Di Downie