New and Emerging Ideas For Women In Business For 2020

Business is about people. It’s about passion. It’s about bold ideas, bold small ideas or bold large ideas.” Tom Peters

Women in business are talented leaders who can share their skills as trainers, mentors and advocates.” Melanne Verveer

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” Paul J. Meyer

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” Di Downie


This year we have researched what type of new businesses will emerge and what areas will grow. Before we go into this however. I can see that more and more people will have a 9 to 5 job then will have a small business on the side. Either a handy man type of business, a driving, Uber type business or some type of affiliate business or influencer business. Here are traditional type business ideas that are still relevant now for 2020.

I have been in specialized education for 40 years. My first business idea was teaching people how to make Corn Dollies. This little business came out of my need to make money and needing to be independent. I was newly married, on a wheat and sheep farm in Western Australia, in a drought. We had no money, we were stuck on the farm. I taught myself how to make these little wheat figures, ( well let’s face it, I was on a wheat farm) I taught people how to make them through workshops, I wrote a book on how to make corn dollies, I made little kits so people could buy the kit to make their own corn dollies. We made enough money to buy fuel to drive to the city occasionally, we put food on our table. I had no clue what I was doing!

I simply knew I wanted to make some money for more reasons than one.

This little business was incredibly self empowering, especially on a farm 40 years ago where the attitude is often about the men making the money only, and the women are there to make the meals and do the running around, which can often be felt as a second class “job”.

I loved that little business, it was the beginning of my own self empowerment! It was the first time I had a dream and then created it!

At the end of 2019 we can observe new and emerging businesses such as:

Cyber security by analysing current systems for vulnerabilities, and handling any and all cyber-attacks.

Intellectual property, people are creating their own iP. The creating, the storing and the safety of IP is an industry all on its own now.

Vehicle sharing is now in every big city. We might not need to own a car or a ute or van like we have had to in the past.

Human body parts: body parts and reconstruction of parts of the body is happening for example, hips, toes, fingers, knees. I know its a specialized area, it’s a growing industry, human body parts are being built around the globe for the aging population.

App Building, maintaining apps, repairing and updating apps: Kids are more and more internet/app connected. These apps are big business opportunity especially those creating healthy or educational content.

Food trucking: Food trucks have been a trend since 2012 and it’s not finished. A food truck requires much less investment than a regular restaurant and have only 10% to 20% rate failure as opposed to 60% to 90% for restaurants.

Solar, Wind generator mechanics, another idea that requires specific skills but doesn’t everything requires specific skills, It’s a matter of loving what we do

Social Media training, consulting.

Power Storage.

DNA Research and Design

Stem Cell Production, education of the general public on stem cells.

Space travel and associated space products and services.

Sperm banks

House sharing, Will it be possible to be true global citizens with house sharing ? Not just for holidays. Already many people do not own a home they house sit. Already we can swap houses when we travel to another country for a holiday.

Last year I split 81 ideas into low investment start up to high investment start up, you can read it here

Industries growing

These are industries that are already recognized and have some momentum globally.

Specialized Education in specific areas, of course I have to mention this one as I’m in it and I can see there are more and more people joining me.

Food delivery from Uber eats type of delivery restaurant to home to Hello Fresh type of delivery where people are making their meals from packed food and recipes to the Coles home delivery of groceries.

Translation will be needed more as we merge our global cultures

Natural medicines and practitioners already one of the largest industries on the planet

The Veterinary industry is already huge and will grow exponentially with people wanting more connection, more touching, less children.

3D Printing is growing fast already.

Recycled clothing is growing from boutique to specialised retailers to party plan to recycled material to new garments.

Water – who would have thought we would be bottling water, who knows who is going to control the water on the planet for financial gains.

Solar Power – We have solar panels on our roof, we have friends who charge their vehicles with solar power. There are thousands of businesses selling power back to the electricity company. Obviously this industry and associated maintenance skills will be needed more and more.

Wind Power Generators and wind powered products

Counselling, personal development and Personal Therapy will grow with the awareness of people growing. There are more and more people striving to thrive.

Remember do what you love so you can love what you do.

Life is way too short to hate your job.

Tips to help your Ideas turn into your new reality for 2020

1. Have your own vision, most men will have a personal Vision. Many women get caught into their mens personal Vision without realizing it. Have a personal Vision and a Business Vision. Go and read more about how to get your own Vision here

2. Don’t just have a good idea, give yourself time to experiment to what it is what you love to do. This will give you time to realize what you don’t like to do. Give yourself a good time to experiment.

3. Take time to realize what is important to you, what are your values, what do you need?

4. Write out what are the skills you have, ask yourself what skills do you need to learn or would like to learn.

5. Take advantage of your natural attributes. Do you know what your natural attributes are?

6. Find someone who is doing what you think you might want to do, ask them if you can hang out with them, buy them lunch and pick their brains. DO NOT expect to be paid if you work for them, don’t be a nuisance, be grateful for their time and their experience.


We are all not cut out to run our own businesses, build large companies, manage people, direct finances, create a clear vision for people to follow, but we all have the right to do what we love to do and that takes living apart from societies expectations sometimes.

I could say good luck, but it’s not a matter of luck it’s a matter of clear thinking, working smart and co-operating with other people whilst solving problems!

Download your free copy of The Ultimate Secret to YOUR Vision.

Hugs Di Downie

Love to meet you somewhere on the planet, you can always check where I am on Facebook

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New and Emerging Ideas For Women In Business For 2020 - Di Downie