How to be a Creative Woman Entrepreneur


Creativity is just connecting things – Bill Gates

Creativity is intelligence having fun – Albert Einstein

Take time out to clean our mind out to allow for creativity to grow in

Di Downie

How many times have you heard someone say they don’t have a creative bone in their body?  I believe that is a limiting, negative thought that has grown into a routine that takes away from an enriched life. Travel at times  has taken me down  the road of bewilderment, it has at time questioned my values and how I am.

I believe travel, especially to travel into nature, to spend time in nature clears out our mind superior to meditating. Nature facilitates the growth of nature.  Of course there are other factors but for this blog I want you to travel with me and enjoy Western Australia secret season of Native Wildflowers.

The past 5 years I have spoken in 12 countries, spoken with hundreds of women speaking with them about what it is that they want, need and value. I am convinced if I didn’t spend the amount of time in nature as I have done I would not be able to absorb and roll with situations in new cultures. What are your thoughts and experiences tell me in the comments.

Travel with me in this blog post:

Every Country has icons that give experiences to visiting adventure seekers from other countries. Australia has many Icons from our red centre to our beautiful beachs.  Western Australia, where I live, has an added Flower Show that it puts on for a very short season and it’s on now.

Japan has Mt Fuji to attract local and visitors from afar, Dubai a place I’ve spoken in many times draws folk from all over the world to its deserts, while Amsterdam has its Windmills and water ways which I’d love to visit again. The list could go on and on and on.

Even though I travel a lot over-seas to speak and mentor women in my high heels, to be able to design my life so I’m home for August and September is a high priority for me. I simply love to be able to jump in our four-wheel drive with my boots, dogs and camping gear, (yes we take a shower, I have to admit I’m a five star camper) is one of the highlights of my year.

This past weekend we did around 900 mile ( 1400 kilometres) seeking out our native bottle brushs, everlastings, banksias, orchids and what wild life we are lucky enough to spot. One of my passions is photography one of my values if freedom and one of my personal needs is choices.  To have the choice of when, who, what, why, how is freedom and a value I strive to include in my every day living.

As I said in my last blog travelling gives me insights, epiphanies, a thinking edge and mostly the satisfaction of organic creativity and is the biggest gift of being a human being rather than a human doing. To sleep under stars with the silence of the outback and wake up with the silence only being broken with bird calls gives our minds and body space that only nature facilitates.  Yes beyond meditation!

One of the iconic spots at the base of the Murchison area in West Australia is where the Wreath Flower grows.  Only seen in sand in one small area a short drive out from the tiny townsite of Pindar. I make a joke in the below video that after travelling for two days seeing one or two cars we arrive at The Wreath flowers it seems like New York city with 9 camper vans pulled up to view the iconic plants.

This one example shows that people will travel to see and gain unique experiences to enhance their life, give their life a sense of purpose.  People want to have a bucket list and tick off their wish list.  People are tired of ground hog day on so many levels. People are burning, especially women, to be creative and share their personal creativity to change lives for the better.

Make your life one that you design, include your passions and share those passions with added value for people to live a life with purpose. I write here how to design your life so you can do what you love.

What are your passions, you need more than your work and your family, yes they are important, very important. I have discovered we need at least four strong stable passions for our mind, body, spirit and emotional selves to be fulfilled.   Time is all we have and often the tall poppy syndromeand our own sense of unworthiness can stop us from being creative and co-operative.

Here is a short video of just some of our unique wildflowers, take a minute and 36 seconds to grow your creativity.

Western Australian unique wildflowers

I’m a serial entrepreneur, have run 8 successful businesses.  I have changed many lives, just like you and families like yours. Now I use technology to change more than I thought ever possible with my DOWNIE METHOD mentoring online program.  Be on purpose and do what you love, get your clear message, I’m sure the world is waiting for you!

Catch your ideas otherwise other people will.

Develop your ideas so they direct you to self fulfilment!


Di Downie






Define your values and your needs to be confident. 

You can read more  blog posts. 

Be inspired with my Instagram account.

Apply for my carefully crafted mentoring program. 

Tweet me as I travel the world speaking. 

Love to meet you somewhere on the planet, you can always check where I am on Facebook







2 thoughts on “How to be a Creative Woman Entrepreneur”

  1. Wonderful Di, I loved this blog, the content, the flowers, (gorgeous) your creativity in talking about creativity. Thank you. Everyone could benefit by your knowledge and ability to share it. Thank you
    Diane recently posted…Spirituality or SexMy Profile

    1. Hello Diane,

      You are one of my role models Diane.

      Your dedication to change for betterment and wold peace.. Im in awe

      love from me

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How to be a Creative Woman Entrepreneur - Di Downie