How Women Thrive

  “Woman are allowing themselves to be gentle, elegant, feminine whilst facilitating logistics, plans and purpose.  It will be those woman with their presense, integrity and warm heart that can

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18 Business Ideas for Women in 2018

With so many developments and technological digital advancements taking place in the past few years around the world, the year 2018 is promising to be a productive year for the woman willing to be focussed and who are willing to pursue their dreams and passions and turn them into a real flourishing independent entity. Listed in a enthusiastic blog post Di Downie has done the research for you for 2018 if you are a woman passionate to be independent using her own creativity and tenacity.

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You will be filling in the gaps for yourself in regard to filling in your life with ROUTINES and RITUALS that will facilitate YOUR SELF DIRECTION. There are four areas

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This is the beginning of your second degree to freedom. Module 5 is the overview for the next three modules. You have built your valued foundation, you know your theme

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