What is Innovation and Why is it Important to be Good at it

“Exploration is the engine that drives innovation. Innovation drives economic growth. So let’s all go exploring.” –Edith Widder
“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all what the world needs most are dreamers that do.” –Sarah Ban Breathnach
“If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative.” –Woody Allen
“Grow your ideas, to grow your innovation to grow your creativity” – Di Downie


Some people take for granted their innovative ability.
Some people tell themselves they could never be innovative.
Some people practise being innovative everyday.
Some people have never thought of practising innovation.
Some people have never thought that being innovative has anything to do with having a good marriage, fabulous fun relationships.

Innovation is often only ever related to business and how we reinvent ourselves.

How we innovate, when we innovate, why we innovate and who we innovate with and for are all directly related to how we empower ourselves. See this blog post to read what other women say about self-empowerment.



Ideas are the foundation of innovation, people get inspired while carrying out daily chores, or walking down an unfamiliar alley, taking a shower, sitting on the toilet, driving the car, while some prefer to take a little slice of their time and dedicate it to brainstorming.But just thinking up random ideas is not innovation, it goes beyond that. See what Wikipedia says about innovation here.

I was 20 years old when I started my own first business, andinitially earned modest profits by selling my idea through my products. Along the way, I gained business skills that would help me in my present as well as my future endeavours. I present some tips and tricks I learned along the way:

1) To remember that I am the only one who can take my time to be creative.

2) To remind myself that innovation takes times, comes from creativity and takes practise to make it happen with ease and with some fun.

3) To be an entrepreneur, I have to be able to differentiate between a good and a not-that-good idea. I have to ask myselfis this my idea or have I just picked it from somewhere and reshaped it to think it is mine.

4) Separating ideas into degrees of “What Matters to ME” is a crucial exercise. Not all ideas are meant to be acted upon. Little fluttering thoughts that I just seemed to catch on a vacant day may not actually be worth investing my time in.

5) Most important of all is my ability to judge the potential of an idea. Questions like Is this idea worth it?’ can be game changers.

6) Ask myself, ’How useful is this idea?’ before putting it into practice and give direction to it. No matter how novel and creative an idea is, if it is not giving a solution the customers will not be satisfied. The product will not be sustainable. Eventually the products will not sell and the business, relationship, friendship, relationship could collapse, ….. UNLESS I reinvent, design what it is and be innovative enough to reshape the product the service, the relationship to solve a problem.

7) Remind myself that when there are problems, and there are always problems, DO not blame anyone else and don’t blame yourself. Ask myself what part did I play in this problem and now what part can I play to become part of the solution

8) Another important tip is not to restrict myself. Do not assume answers to the questions I ask myselfright away, however simple they may seem. Always take my time and try to tackle each question of “What, How, Why and With Whom” with consideration and care, because mostly when I answer these questions myself, they are derived from opinions of other people, their perspectives on my situation or through social media and web browsing. So in order to eliminate that influence, I have to take it slow and really think things through.


What Is Innovation And How Do You Get To Be Good At It?


So therefore I believe, there are three main tips or skills I have learned that I’d like you to take away from this piece.

First is – asking yourself questions. As much time as you spend ideating, try and ask the difficult questions as well as easy ones regarding the ideas you have collected to go through.

Second is – do not rush for answers. Take time to reflect upon your own thoughts and memories to come to conclusions.

And last – catch those ideas that stand out. Once you have found the answers you were looking for, sifting through ideas becomes easy.

An over view point on the subject of innovation that I’d like to mention is : practise innovation everyday. Be mindful of the language we use because positive self talkalong with constructive conversations that we have with other people ignite innovation.

Lastly remember being innovating is not only related to business when you are wearing your entrepreneur hat. Practise innovation when you have your wife hat on, your mother or father hat on or sibling hat on or even when you are wearing YOUR hat!

Building upon ideas using creativity and innovation is the key to a flourishing and up-to-date business and personal life. Always keep your thinking hat on, because you never know what uncharted territory may inspire you or where you may get another novel idea!

Tell me what you are taking away from this piece.



Hugs Di Downie

Love to meet you somewhere on the planet, you can always check where I am on Facebook

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What is Innovation and Why is it Important to be Good at it - Di Downie