The Difference between Passion and Purpose

You may start a journey in your life because you have a purpose to do that !It is passion that will drive you to take your steps forward. Passion will

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3 Steps to Do What You Love To Do

if you want to achieve something great in life, then have the passion to do something great. Because when the passion and purpose is greater than the excuses and fears,

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12 Steps to Direct Yourself to a Life that is Designed by YOU

What fuels your life- is it motivation or inspiration? If you think that it is one and same thing then wait a minute. They are very different. As a women

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3 Steps to Flow with Change

You will change your life when you act following my simple 3 steps to flow with change. I have changed my life and others lives with these simple steps! I’m

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Time is all You Have

Everyone wants change. If you think you don’t want change……. you are in denial. Denial can be comfortable and it can be frustrating, often overwhelming whilst attempting to create that

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Why is There so much Change Now

CHANGE- Hard at first, messy in the middle and transforming whilst on the journey !   Change is the most constant phenomena of our life as no matter how often

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5 SECRETS that make Productive Passionate Women Entrepreneurs

You can either dream for your success or you can WAKE up to work for it.All because strong women, with clarity of thought, get things DONE and they work hard

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Do This in 4 Areas of Your Life for MORE Happiness and Profit

Happiness is both… having sunshine in your soul and identifying the glimpse of that sunshine in yourself. All because when you have ‘one’ life, then it should look exactly the

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