5 SECRETS that make Productive Passionate Women Entrepreneurs

You can either dream for your success or you can WAKE up to work for it.All because strong women, with clarity of thought, get things DONE and they work hard

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The Routines and Rituals that Underpin Your Dreams and Passions

We are what we repeatedly do. EXCELLENCEthen, is not an act… But a HABIT ~ Aristotle Have you ever heard about the ‘sleeper effect’? How it affects our early days

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The 7 Secrets to Your Own Rituals for Personal Happiness and Profit

Do you know what makes humans the most superior living beings of the world? Just like other animals, we can breathe, express, work and survive. But unlike them, only we

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All That You Earned in 2016- People, Love, Values, Memories, and So On!

As the years go by, the more I realize that knowing our values then living from our values is the most important assets in our lives. We earn people, their

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10 Life Lessons that Every Woman Entrepreneur Wants to Share With You

Little girls with dreams become women with visions! Believe in your dreams, live up to your ideas, fail often, forget quickly, learn fast, and grow faster because… Your dreams DO

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What is a System?

Success might be a rollercoaster ride but it is always driven by a ‘systematic’ plan. So even in chaos, when the mind has fears and doubts and when nothing seems

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