I love to speak about ideas,good food,good living,individual health and spread my words, to guide people for taking values based decision easily in their life.

Oman Dairies: Fill Your Bucket List Up

I have a secret to success. It says…there is no shortcut to success.  It is all about preparation, dedication, consistency, learning and embracing failure. How come I have had 8

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Why is There so much Change Now

CHANGE- Hard at first, messy in the middle and transforming whilst on the journey !   Change is the most constant phenomena of our life as no matter how often

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5 SECRETS that make Productive Passionate Women Entrepreneurs

You can either dream for your success or you can WAKE up to work for it.All because strong women, with clarity of thought, get things DONE and they work hard

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What Makes a Woman Entrepreneur

What makes a woman beautiful and elegant is her confidence. What makes her confident is her courage! What brings courage to her life is her ability to make values based

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The 7 Secrets to Your Own Rituals for Personal Happiness and Profit

Do you know what makes humans the most superior living beings of the world? Just like other animals, we can breathe, express, work and survive. But unlike them, only we

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10 Life Lessons that Every Woman Entrepreneur Wants to Share With You

Little girls with dreams become women with visions! Believe in your dreams, live up to your ideas, fail often, forget quickly, learn fast, and grow faster because… Your dreams DO

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Watch out for These 13 Women Entrepreneurs in 2017

When magic happens to you… you stand there …awestruck, happy and satisfied!!! The year 2016 has been special to me in terms of professional achievements, personal life, family, and peace.

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The Difference Between Having a Job and Having a Business

Have you ever seen a juggler? Let me tell you what juggling is! Juggling is an art of manipulating multiple objects at the same time, and it is  usually performed

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What Does Social Media Do?

Necessity is indeed the mother of ideas- when you need something essentially, you find definite ways to achieve it! I will tell you how my circumstances of necessity brought my

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