Why is There so much Change Now

CHANGE- Hard at first, messy in the middle and transforming whilst on the journey !   Change is the most constant phenomena of our life as no matter how often

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Etiquette Tips on Social Media

We live in a global village. No country can live in isolation of others like Robinson Crusoe! Our world is nothing but a global village today and we are all

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5 SECRETS that make Productive Passionate Women Entrepreneurs

You can either dream for your success or you can WAKE up to work for it.All because strong women, with clarity of thought, get things DONE and they work hard

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Do This in 4 Areas of Your Life for MORE Happiness and Profit

Happiness is both… having sunshine in your soul and identifying the glimpse of that sunshine in yourself. All because when you have ‘one’ life, then it should look exactly the

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The Routines and Rituals that Underpin Your Dreams and Passions

We are what we repeatedly do. EXCELLENCEthen, is not an act… But a HABIT ~ Aristotle Have you ever heard about the ‘sleeper effect’? How it affects our early days

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The 7 Secrets to Your Own Rituals for Personal Happiness and Profit

Do you know what makes humans the most superior living beings of the world? Just like other animals, we can breathe, express, work and survive. But unlike them, only we

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