Assignment 4 ( Module 5)

Assignment Four

Write two stories from your life.

These two stories are turning points in your life, you may of had epiphanies, you may of been forced into a trauma, you may of had to go through a painful divorce, your health may of failed you, someone may of abused you, you may of had a business fail.

For me I have had more than one time in my life when I knew I had to be more and do more and to add more value to people. All of them were painful.

The story that you have heard many times is me standing in my kitchen with my new baby daughter looking down at my five year and I was overcome with greif as I realized I desperately wanted to be a good role model for these two babys yet I was clueless as to how I was going to do that.

I write a story in my free e book about coming home one cold dark night barely able to drive in the drive blinded by tears knowing I could not work with Rob in our event business any longer. BUT.. what was I to do..again I was frustrated, angy, confused and so totally clueless.

I tell a story of when I was diagnosed with Fibromuscular Dysplasia and how the hospital rang me to tell me to stop driving and they would come to pick me up right now.

Write two stories as long as you want over a period of a week or two.

Save it in your marketing folder in a folder: Personal Stories.



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Assignment 4 ( Module 5) - Di Downie